11/2/2011 04:22:55 am

I think good work is when you take time to make it the best that it can possibly be. Instead of waiting until the last minute to do your work, if you break up the work each day, you can perfect everything. Sometimes great work is done by yourself, but sometimes it needs to be done as a team effort.

11/2/2011 04:25:18 am

I think to make "great work" you have to truly believe that it is as perfect as you can make it. For it to be "great work" you also have to be proud of it. At the end you have to be proud of the end result.

Maura W period 3
11/2/2011 04:30:03 am

I think that to make "great work", is to fully carry through with your intensions of the design. Also, it has to be neat and almost perfect. If there are any flaws, I do not think you can consider it as "Great". Overall the work must comes from everyone around you. If you take the time to listen to input from your peers and it all comes together, you will have awesome work!

Amanda Z. USH 4
11/2/2011 04:50:40 am

To me, "great work" is the best that you can do. If you complete an assignment lazily, but you get an A, that is not great work. If you try your best, it is great work. You shouldn't be afraid to show off your work if it is great. You should be proud of great work.

Nathan D USH 6
11/2/2011 05:35:47 am

I think over all the classes we did a great job to show how we felt about that day and that we can still remember it even though we were young.

Nick R
11/2/2011 06:20:09 am

I think that doing great work is when you put forth your best effort and really put thought and consideration into what you are working on. I do not think the grade you get on something matters as much as putting your best effort into it

Sara N USH3
11/2/2011 06:26:35 am

I think great work has to impact others to be considered "great". I agree that it should be neat and tidy but i think it is more important to have unusual ideas and to make the audience think.

Madison k.
11/2/2011 06:27:59 am

to do great work means you put alot of effort into something and you made it the best you could and didnt settle for just good enough. to do great work also means you can honestly be proud of your work.

Nick C
11/2/2011 06:51:30 am

i think good work is putting forth your best effort and trying your hardest to make it the best it can be

11/2/2011 07:05:37 am

I think that good work is work that makes it far beyond what we expected it to.

Matt B. USH 5
11/2/2011 07:19:12 am

I think to do great work you have to work hard towards what you are doing and dont give up on it.

Erik S, Pd. 6
11/2/2011 07:23:30 am

I think that "great work" is work that you can look at and be proud of because you really tried hard and put in 110%. A grade at school doesn't determine whether or not your work was great. Whether or not you and your friends can look on it with pride determines that.

Arianne G, USH 5
11/2/2011 08:19:44 am

I think that great work means that you know yourself that you put in all of our effort (regardless of what others say) and trying your hardest towards whatever you were working on. As long as you yourself know that you put in a lot of time and effort towards a project and try to make it the very best, then things like grades shouldn't be graded on accuracy or effectiveness, but rather work ethic towards a project.

Nancy L. PD.4
11/2/2011 08:20:03 am

I think that good work just means that you can look at your own work and feel as if there is nothing possible to improve. This is not determined by a grade at school, as Erik previously said. Whether you get an A or an F, if you are proud of your piece of work, then you have excelled. Many writers in history have started out as bad students yet climbed up the ranks to therefore become what we would call a "master of writing."

Marcus Edvardsson
11/2/2011 08:29:46 am

I think that "great work" is something that you took time and effort into and you are proud of it and would be proud to show it to other people.

Corinne T (USH 3)
11/2/2011 08:56:59 am

I think to create great work is to honestly apply yourself and to put in a lot of effort. I think if you create great work, you aren't settling for "good enough" you're perfecting it to the highest point it can be at with the abilities you have.

Charlie S USH4
11/2/2011 09:08:40 am

Great work is when you supply the time and effort into anything you do and you satisfy yourself in the end. Thats what really matters.

Joey L. (USH 7)
11/2/2011 09:10:49 am

I think that, to create "great work" is when you put as much of the knowledge you have or learned in the past and put it to use in a project or homework. It doesn't matter what grade you get but just as long as you put as much dedication you can put in.

Erin C. Pd. 4
11/2/2011 09:17:34 am

To me, great work is something that you are proud of. You put your best into it and you get your best out of it. Never settle for something that is good enough.

MNair. USH 3
11/2/2011 09:33:45 am

I think that creating "great work" means that you have put in all the effort and commitment you can in creating it. Also, it means that you have tried to improve to its utmost extent before submitting it. It indicates that your hardwork has payed off in time, and that you feel proud to showcase it to others. To me, "great work" also involves trying your very best and accomplishing the goals you set while making it.

Ms. King
11/2/2011 09:35:55 am

Just to add some variety to the comments...

Does "great work" have an impact beyond the assignment or required task?

Corinne Repcheck USH4
11/2/2011 09:48:37 am

I think that "Great Work" does have an impact beyond the assignment because if you do great work on one project it leads to doing great work on another. Soon after that you will have to try hard in every practice or lesson or assignment that comes next. The reason for that is because the feeling of the accomplishment that you made is vast so then you want to do great work in everything else so that you can feel that sense of pride again. Also because of the effort that it takes to work hard that's what gives the feeling. Because you give in what you get out.

Paige P USH 3
11/2/2011 09:56:28 am

"Great work" takes time and effort. You have to put in the amount of work you want to come out of it. The amount of time it takes to make "great work" is minimal to the amount of satisfaction that comes out of it.

Sam T USH 4
11/2/2011 10:13:46 am

I think "Great work" is going beyond what is expected. It is like Bed Bath and Beyond. You see the Beds and the Baths but never the beyond. "Good Work" is like the Beyond. You never see it but you know it is there. You have to work for it.

Hannah Bumgarner USH 3
11/2/2011 10:14:24 am

I think that good work is work that you are proud of and you want to show others. You should feel as though you accomplished something when you finish your work!

11/2/2011 10:20:53 am

Good work is dependent on what the creator thinks, and what he/she sees as good or bad work. For example, and A+ student would not take B- work, but a C- student would take that work over nothing. In my eyes, I think that good work for me is work that I am proud of and work that I would not be embarrassed in I put my name on it. So basically, good work is a creation that you aren't ashamed of and work that you would be wiling to post on a wall with your name on it, and you would be proud of it.

LADY GAGA (autumn) 5
11/2/2011 10:34:06 am

I believe good work is not when you turn a papeer in on time or the fancy type of work that makes you a teacher's pet. The definition for me of good work, is that the student made an outstanding amount of effort towards the work you put before them. The quality is what counts. I do not understand how teacher's styreotype their students into people that try and don't try. Everyone tries to do their best work even if it doesn't get them the A+ that their parents want them to get. Good work...Great work is made by the students that reach beyond their knowledge level and into new territory that they never seen before. Kind of like the game we are playing. We have no idea where we are but we keep exploring, reaching farther away from our comfort level. To the person it might be something that only they will understand and have to explain because it is so complex.

11/2/2011 10:34:35 am

I think that great work is work that you put forth much time and effort to complete. It can also be relative to the person though, so the grade is not always the central focus to determine whether or not the work was great. The only person that is truly qualified to evaluate and grade work is the author themself. He/she is the only one that knows what their best work is.

Elly B ush6
11/2/2011 10:35:03 am

Great work is the willingness to succeed. To really succeed in something, you must be wiling to pursue what you must. To clarify, you must pursue you ability to put all your effort into something. Merely working hard is not "great work". Finding meaning in something and portraying that meaning to your best ability is "great work". And yes, "great work" does have an impact on the world outside the assignment. With "great work" comes a sense of pride, and willingness to succeed that otherwise you would not possess. You would have confidence in your ability to take anything to the fullest and explore every detail. But none of that happens unless a person is willing to find out how much effort they can put in, and then give it all.

noah d ush 3
11/2/2011 10:36:38 am

great work is something that has an affect on people and makes them think about not only the work but allows them to question other aspects of their lives with the same conceptual question.
Great work is something that takes a considerable amount of effort to create and has not only an immediate affect but an ongoing effect on people.

Jake K USH 4
11/2/2011 10:49:10 am

Great work is when you take your time to process a thoughtful idea, like something that is a long process. Not always something that is three pages long. That doesn't mean that the work is good, it just means there could be unneeded information in the paper or whatever. Even if you only write a one page essay, it could be better than a three paged essay.

Jerry M. USH 4
11/2/2011 10:50:46 am

I think great work does have an impact on other aspects of one's personality, as when it becomes a habit, it can significantly improve the quality of everything you do. Doing "great work" once or twice will have little to no influence of your total willingness to to well; the only way is to persevere against time, whether if that "time" is a month or several years. Once you get in the habit of doing everything to your best, then it will have a great impact on you.

(Bridge D. USH5)
11/2/2011 10:54:33 am

To me, great work is defined by hard work, dedication, and commitment. It's not how many hours you put into it, its what you put into those hours. If someone strives for excellence they must persevere and work as hard as they can to create their best work. The only test to see if this is going on is the final result.

Caroline H. USH 4
11/2/2011 10:58:40 am

Great work means accomplishing a task efficiently but also well. Yes, "great work" does have an impact beyond the requirement or assigned task because if you perservere in what you need to do, it builds habits and expectations for your next project or just your life in general. If you are accustomed to prouducing something great, then naturally in your live you are going to strive to fulfill your expectations, and instead of settling for mediocrity, you will make life be how you want it to be since you are always working your hardest for the "greatest," or best.

Eddie J, USH 3
11/2/2011 11:02:26 am

Great work is work that you are 100% proud of and you wouldnt be afraid to have it shown to every person in the world.

Julia F
11/2/2011 11:06:06 am

To me, great work is work done to the best ability of the people who worked on it. The work also is something that the creators feel proud of, and something they put effort into. The work itself should be useful or have an effect on those who use/see it. Great work is remembered by those who see, use, or experience the work.

Keara Mangan
11/2/2011 11:17:04 am

I believe that "great work" is something that you created that you truly believe is wonderful and the best that you can possibly do. If you believe that it is great, then the work is great.

Daphne C. USH 5
11/2/2011 11:40:58 am

I think that great work means you take a good amount of time to work. Be creative and think hard. Work carefully and do your best. At the same time you should have fun with it, and make sure its something your really confident about. When you turn in whatever your working on, you should know that after all the work you put into it, you will receive a good grade.

Brian S USH5
11/2/2011 12:05:54 pm

To make or create great work means to construct some idea or object that contains knowledge or purpose that reaches out to people. To start, having something that you are personally proud of is important. Although it may be hard to self evaluate your own creation, knowing that you put forth good effort and time was dedicated to the process are key components to crafting something worthwhile. Speaking on larger terms, if a persons mindeset or prespective on life takes a new spin because of the work you have put together, you have great work. Not being selfish, but if people of society were to get a chance to see the work our 8th grade Emerald Team has done, they would submit a lot of positive feedback. For children who briefly remember a national tradgedy, past footage and TV documentaries are our only source of knowledge and any connection to that day. Creating original artwork and poems that commemorate this event really shows our compassion and would touch anyone who witnessed our work for themselves, placing our work under the great column.

Lesa B USH4
11/2/2011 01:02:18 pm

Great work is when you put your heart into what your doing and take the time for it to make any adjustments to make it better & do whatever you can to make it the best it can be. Great work also requires the time and patience to do any digging for the truth or info. & you search every place for it, no matter how far or how long it takes you. You want the truth!

Brent Plum
11/2/2011 01:25:57 pm

I feel "great work" is, or is made by using your time effectively and using the tools you have available to you to their full advantage and to make work that is your own and unique from others.

Vince P USH7
11/2/2011 10:35:32 pm

I Think that doing "Great Work" is when a student works to the best of their abilities to accomplish a task. No matter how "good" their work is, if it is the best that child can do, it is "Great Work". So the standards arent on the assignment, but the student themselves.

11/2/2011 10:37:05 pm

Great Work is to give everything u have into work.ETC. also its work that u give 100% into doing

Melissa C USH7
11/2/2011 11:16:11 pm

I think to try your best on what you are doing and also to be proud of what you have accomplished in your life.

11/2/2011 11:30:31 pm

I feel that doing great work means that you put a lot of effort and time into it. Also, puting in the most that you can and beyond means that you're putting in great work.

Taylor P. USH3
11/2/2011 11:33:44 pm

I think that to create great work is to make something that you are proud of.
Something that means something to you, and that you took time to make. If you are confident in your work then most likely it is great work. Some signs of great work are neatness, effort, organization, or anything that requires thinking hard. Just because someone says it is/isn't great work, you are the one that determines that.

11/3/2011 12:56:28 am

Well, its more around yourself and what you beleive is good work. Like myself for example. When I was the editor for my group's video, I thought this would be a very simple peice. But that is only because I have done this sort of buissness for quite some time, compared to others.

Zach Flynn
11/3/2011 01:35:30 am

Great work takes a great deal of effort and sacrafice. he or she has to take the time to put towards the effort to create "great work". You can always tell whenn someone does great work by the time and dedicatation they put into i.

J@ck$on Garlitz Pd 4
11/3/2011 03:43:34 am

I think good work means two things effort and time. We put forth time in effort in our book and I would describe our book as great work

David w period 6
11/3/2011 04:36:19 am

I think creating good work is something that someone put effort in it and wasnt done minutes before class and it should be something you can hang your hat on something your proud of and whant to show to others.

Carlo C USH3
11/3/2011 04:41:37 am

I think creating "Great work" is taking the time and effort into something important and making it the best it can be. It is something that takes long periods of time to complete so you can be proud of what you did and show people how great your work was.

Marne Shaw USH7
11/3/2011 04:48:48 am

When your working really hard and do get a good grade. Also that you always find out back up information.

Jessie L USH3
11/3/2011 06:41:52 am

When you work really hard, and taking time and effort to achieve your goals and you are proud of what you have achomplished is good work.

Christina P. USH7
11/3/2011 06:47:22 am

Creating great work is when you put a lot of time and thought into making something. It is when you make something original and put forth effort to make it the best it can be. Great work is also getting good grades on the projects and tests.

Faith W.
11/3/2011 07:40:37 am

In my mind,when a person sets out to do "great work" they have to set a goal for themselves. As long as they reach their own personal goal which pushes them to work hard and are proud of that work, they have succeeded.

Deanna R
11/3/2011 10:07:28 am

I believe that great work is something that you have to be proud of. if your not proud of what you did then what meaning does it have to you? None. You shouldn't do work just because someone else tells you to. You should be able to look at yourself and say "i did something great this time" Work shouldn't be something you get done just to get done. Also work shouldn't be rushed. If it takes you two minuets to do something you probably didn't do a good job. Nothing that is done well is ever rushed. In language arts we talked about the starzans and the carzans, well in some cases its good to be a carzan because you need to be able to get stuff done, and it has to be done well. I believe that great work is a balance between fun and getting stuff done. i got that from mr. Frommeyer but it has gotten me though a lot of things just knowing that if you work hard yet have fun you can get stuff done and it might not even seem like work. Thats why great work should come from within you not from others telling you to do so

riley smith
11/3/2011 10:48:55 pm

i think that good work is something that takes time and you believe in and are proud of. Great work is when you dont rush things dont do sloppy work. the work should be what you think is right not on how other peoole say you should do the work and that you are proud of the work it doesnt matter if you get a bad grade it matters wether you are pround of it.

Nichol C
11/3/2011 10:56:44 pm

To do "great work" is to put forth a descent amount of effort and to learn from whatever it is that you've produced.

Eli Friedman
11/6/2011 09:08:30 pm

i think great work means that you should take all the time you have and make your work the best it can be and make it as perfect as possible. It means that all your effort is put in to your one piece of work.

Hannah B USH 3
11/6/2011 11:29:57 pm

I think that great work is when you are proud of your work. You should want others to look at it and think it is good. You should feel as though you accomplished something and you want to share it with everyone. You should also give it your best effort.

LIam S USH 3
11/7/2011 12:00:49 am

To do "great work" is to take time and effort to achieve a goal of making it as best as you can. By doing the hard work and taking the time to make it as best as it can be, makes it "great work".

Evan W
11/7/2011 01:00:45 am

To create "great work" means to create something that you, yourself, are proud of. This does not mean that others have to be impressed. As long as one impresses his or herself, he/she has created such work. In another's opinon, something that you created could be excellent and appear to them as "great work", yet it could be mediocre to you and therefore not qualify as such.

Julia Anderson
11/7/2011 01:22:18 am

I believe "Great Work" means to put forward a lot of effort into an assignment that has been given to you. Having an assignment that is great work means you've created, or written, or drawn, etc.-something that has exceptable, or fantastic "quality" to it. For example, people who do reasurch, or spend a long period of time, or use their time wisely inorder to have their work be the best is great work.

Bruce l
11/7/2011 01:43:54 am

To make "great work" you have to be finished with it first. Then when you are done your work has to make you feel like you did all that you can to make this "great work."

Suzy Bushman
11/7/2011 01:51:31 am

As a wise man once said "He did great things, terrible, but great". Great work does not have to be towards a cause that the general public finds morally right. Great, in my opinion is only an adjective. Great meaning large. Great work, is large work.

And that's how Sue C's it.

Luke L period 6
11/7/2011 03:04:33 am

I think great work is when you have a passion for something and you put alot of effort into it. Like scientific discoveries for example these people have given their lives to making life easier and better understood.

Madeline D USH5
11/8/2011 10:39:50 am

To me, great works starts when you have a passion, and when you are interested in learning more. But it also comes from determination. For alot of people, the work they are doing might not be thier favorite, or even close to thier favorite. but they choose to do good work because those are the expectations that they either set for themselves or someone set for them. And no one wants to disappoint someone with bad work. Great work comes from inside of you and every person is capable of creating great work. you just have to apply yourself to it. Great work means that you are proud to put your name on the finished product, and want everyone to know it was yours.

Griffin Nel$on
11/10/2011 03:26:37 am

I feel great work is something you are very proud of. Also that you put alot of good time into creating whatever it is.

Rebecca V
11/10/2011 08:03:49 am

Great work is putting the time, effort, an dedication into something you believe in. To me great work sends a clear message leaving our minds wondering with questions


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